Android Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
Android is utilized in various devices, ranging from mobile devices and IoT devices to Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in cars. However, a challenge arises due to the diverse hardware on which Android operates. To address this challenge, the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) comes into play.
Why HAL?
The Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) is a crucial part of Android. It acts as a bridge to help different types of hardware communicate with the Android operating system in a standardized way.
Think of the HAL as a translator between Android and hardware devices. It sits between the Android system and the hardware components.
There are separate HALs for different categories, like Audio HAL for dealing with sound-related stuff, Bluetooth HAL for managing Bluetooth connections, Storage HAL for handling storage operations, and more.
It’s like having specialized teachers for different subjects.
Additionally, there’s a special HAL known as the Vehicle HAL, which is used for cars. It defines specific ways for Android to interact with car-related features.
So, the HALs make sure that even though the hardware can be different, they can all “speak” the same language to work smoothly with Android.
Understanding the HAL
HAL stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer, serving as a software layer that abstracts hardware-specific functionalities.
Devices running Android 8.0 and above must support HALs written in the HAL Interface Definition Language (HIDL).
Android 11 also introduces support for HALs written in the Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL).
Direct interaction with HALs isn’t necessary; instead, APIs are designed to abstract away technical details and control access to system resources and data.
In conclusion, the Android Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) is a crucial component that bridges the gap between diverse hardware and the Android operating system.
It enables standardized communication and cooperation, enhancing compatibility and functionality across a range of devices.
This is a brief article about the HAL. Next up, we have AOSP coming your way.
Stay tuned and happy coding!